A craigslist bicycle find for the better half. It must have been sitting in someone's back yard, partially covered, for the better part of a decade based on the tires and scattered rust. After watching a video on what to look for in a used bike, I gave the frame and wheelset a once over before forking over 3 Jacksons. Another 3 Jacksons later for new tires, tubes, cables and handles, the bike is riding very smooth and strong. Now for the rant part after perusing CL for the last month: people do not know how to sell bikes on CL. The most important thing is to list the frame size, and the year and make of the bike. If the seller doesn't know, he or she should use this thing called the "internet" to find out! The seller has a much better chance of figuring out this information instead of the prospective buyer using one or two shoddy pictures of the bike to ascertain. End rant.
Trek Navigator 200 (2001 model)
Reviewed by Qamar javed

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