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High Protein Steamed Chicken Meal

I got this little food steamer using Coke Points, figuring what the heck, if I don't like it, didn't cost me nothing. Anyhow, despite some confusing instructions from the manual, I ended up steaming 2 thawed, boneless skinless chicken breast with a side of 8 frozen asparagus spears. The chicken came individually wrapped from the grocery store, about a dollar each. After warming up the steamer with maximum water for a couple a minutes, the time it took to fully cook the chicken, without any added oil or spices, was 15 minutes. The chicken was absolutely the best I've tasted, much better than the microwave I used to use with some olive oil. A little Frank's Red Hot and I was 40 grams of protein on the plus side for only 200 calories. The asparagus spears didn't fair so well; I like them crunchier and steaming definitely made them a little soggy. Looking forward to trying out some other recipes.
chicken breasts and asparagus spears in a steamer

High Protein Steamed Chicken Meal High Protein Steamed Chicken Meal Reviewed by Qamar javed on 13:27 Rating: 5

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